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How to create python virtual environment

  • Python,
  • Virtual
  • env

Steps to install Python Virtual Environment

  1. Install Python

  2. Install Python Pip

  3. Install Virtual enviroment

Command to install Python

sudo apt install python

Command to install Python-Pip

sudo apt-get install python-pip

Command to install Virtual Env

pip install virtual env

sudo apt install virtualenv
Now you have successfully installed the Python Virtual Environment. The next is how to create a virtual env.
Make a directory where you want to setup this virtual env. And follow the commands.
This is a example. I have created a directory named environments and inside that directory I have created a virtual-env named project1.
mkdir environments;

cd environments;

virtualenv project1;
This is the command to activate the virtual-env
source project1/bin/activate
Now you are successfully activated the virtual-env. You can see your project name in you terminal.
To deactivate and come out of the virtual-env using this command
If you need to access this virtual-env you can go back to the last directory and activate it using the last command we used to activate.